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Article Writing and Distribution Brings You One Step Closer to Being a Market Leader

Article writing and distribution is a tool that has a lot of function. It’s like the Swiss army knife of SEO — it can build backlinks, expand your sales funnel, drive your online reputation, act as a secondary landing page, prime readers into a buying mood, and it bring business overnight and for life. But the cutting-edge market analysts are starting to talk in terms of entrepreneurs becoming “market leaders” rather than simply starting a website and profiting from affiliate sales or other such techniques from yesteryear. Can our favorite all-purpose SEO tool keep up with the changing demands from the gurus?

Of course it can! Becoming a market leader, if you talk to the likes of Ed Dale of The Challenge, is essentially an exercise in developing a reputation. Ed suggests a blog, and of course that’s a great centerpiece of on online presence, but it’s never enough. Blog posting is just part of what should be a larger, organized effort to get your name into the mouths of everyone in your target market.

And of course, the other parts of that effort are going to rely on techniques that SEO has used for decades. Get a static (non-blog) website, write and distribute articles about your market, start a few Web 2.0 properties (and maintain them!), and get yourself some expert credentials by putting on free talks at local community colleges.

Market leadership is about two things: actually learning the details about your target market, and showing everyone that you’ve done the learning and you know your stuff. The first part takes a lot of hard work — but the second part is actually mostly about old-school SEO. In the end it all comes back to the oldest truth in internet marketing: if you can’t drive traffic, you aren’t going to succeed, period.

Fortunately, there are several ways that you can use other people’s SEO efforts to boost your own visibility and traffic. Article writing and distribution happens to be one of the best, which is why it will always have a place at the heart and soul of every online company’s arsenal.

25 thoughts on “Article Writing and Distribution Brings You One Step Closer to Being a Market Leader”

  1. in a positively skewed distribution, the mode is less than the_____? ( i wrote the mean)

    in a negatively skewed distribution, the mode is less than the____? ( i wrote median)

    is this correct?
    i guess you guys are on the same page as I am.

  2. I was just wondering about something. Are research articles “free” things? I mean, if I uploaded a research paper concerning anything in science – from a paper on social psychological literature, to studies about pharmacological substances – is this technically legal? I mean, I can find them all over the internet, anyway, and they’re easily downloadable.

    I guess this sort of has to do with copyright issues? I’m not entirely sure. I mean, can you “own” information? Is a research article private property?

    I mean, forget about whether or not you actually get caught or sued or anything like that. Theoretically, are there limits to how you can use those research papers?

    Could you:

    –> Upload someone else’s work on the internet?
    –> Distribute someone else’s work (eg print copies and hand them out?)
    –> Can you refer to their work, and quote things?
    –> Is it legal to forward people to places to download someone else’s work?

    Say I wanted to do a blog about parenting (I’m not a parent, this is just an example), could I post child development research papers on my blog? Or say I had a video on youtube, could I refer to it then?

    I guess what I’m asking is what the legality of using scientific research articles is.
    LE Gant (cool name)

    That was exactly the answer I was looking for.

    But what should happen, if say, there were 20 authors of a particular paper? Would I have to contact the university that funded the research? Or would I have to contact each individual author?

    Most of the questions were hypothetical to give myself a good understanding of the issue in general. Specifically, this is what I hope to do:

    I find particular articles fascinating, particularly in genetics and drug interactions. What I plan on doing is making a few YouTube videos about articles that I find to be interesting, or maybe sets of articles at a time. I just want to talk about what I find interesting. I don’t expect to get very many people who watch it, so I’m not actually worried about “getting caught” but I still would like to make sure I’m doing everything properly.

    With what I plan to do, explaining the methods and findings is what I will be focusing on. Much of this can be paraphrased,
    Much of this can be paraphrased, but I will quote directly from time to time. Technically speaking, would I be fine to do this if I give due credit to the people who conducted the study?

    Also, would I be able to post a link that would allow people to view the articles? For example, if I referenced this article:


    And posted a pre-existing link so that people could view it for free, would that be legal?

    Obviously I didn’t post that myself. If I were to do that, is that okay?

  3. I have an article on ezine articles and someone has published my article from ezine articles to their own blog which is a new .blogspot.com

    Our links of our website are included in their blog, but their blog is only a couple of days old and doesn’t have much on it.

    Will this damage our Google ranking on by having our link on their new blog?

  4. my teacher wants us to write a summary and reflection of a syndicate article that is recent. She also mentioned that a open forum article would also be ok but i dont know what either are considered. Can someone help me to find an article?

  5. What software should I use? I have Adobe Acrobat, but I don’t know how to insert mathematical equation.

  6. I just bought a plan with Hostgator.com and have found that Backlinks are essentially a must have for any ‘serious’ site. How would I go about obtaining some backlinks? (Such as linkmaster.com, but I don’t want to pay)

  7. OK there are FACTS on this. DATA. And it COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY REFUTES the class warfare argument.

    There are NOT facts that support it – the Libs take data that shows that while entry-level workers make only 5-10% more in real income than was the case a generation ago, people at the height of their careers make a lot more, and they misrepresent this as a difference between two permanent groups. It’s been the same MO since the 1980s and it’s just as misleading now as it was then.


  8. In the current economic climate I m looking at starting some online Marketing, are people much more receptive to it now than 5 years ago?

  9. ok i have to make a newspaper like it was 1941 and i need help on the article about jewish ghetto ration cards. PLZ HELP!!!! its due tomorrow!

  10. im suppose to write an essay about this article but i dont quite understand it. can somebody please summarize or paraphrase this article for me. thank you.
    The process for preparing frozen, par-fried potato strips—distributed to some food outlets for making french fries—can influence the formation of acrylamide in the fries that people eat, a new study has found. Published in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, the study identifies potential ways of reducing levels of acrylamide, which the National Toxicology Program and the International Agency for Research on Cancer regard as a “probable human carcinogen.”

    Acrylamide forms naturally during the cooking of many food products. Donald S. Mottram and colleagues explain that while acrylamide formation in fried potato products is inevitable, this research aims to better understand the chemistry involved, and to use computer models to determine how to minimize acrylamide levels in practice. The special feature of this approach is that, for the first time, it has been possible to link changes in natural potato components (glucose, fructose, amino acids, moisture) occurring during preparation and cooking with the extent of acrylamide formation. Such a rigorous approach has only been possible through collaboration between the food industry and food chemists from different disciplines.

    The commercial process (which includes potato selection and sorting, cutting, blanching, sugar augmentation, drying, frying and freezing), in combination with final cooking, generates the color, texture and flavor that consumers expect in french fries. This model facilitates evaluation of various processing and final cooking parameters to develop products with lower acrylamide. Additionally, the authors confirm previous reports, which found that minimizing the ratio of fructose to glucose in cut potato strips can reduce the amount of acrylamide that ends up in the french fries.

    More information: “Kinetic Model for the Formation of Acrylamide during the Finish-Frying of Commercial French Fries” J. Agric. Food Chem., 2012, 60 (36), pp 9321–9331. DOI: 10.1021/jf302415n

    Acrylamide is formed from reducing sugars and asparagine during the preparation of French fries. The commercial preparation of French fries is a multistage process involving the preparation of frozen, par-fried potato strips for distribution to catering outlets, where they are finish-fried. The initial blanching, treatment in glucose solution, and par-frying steps are crucial because they determine the levels of precursors present at the beginning of the finish-frying process. To minimize the quantities of acrylamide in cooked fries, it is important to understand the impact of each stage on the formation of acrylamide. Acrylamide, amino acids, sugars, moisture, fat, and color were monitored at time intervals during the frying of potato strips that had been dipped in various concentrations of glucose and fructose during a typical pretreatment. A mathematical model based on the fundamental chemical reaction pathways of the finish-frying was developed, incorporating moisture and temperature gradients in the fries. This showed the contribution of both glucose and fructose to the generation of acrylamide and accurately predicted the acrylamide content of the final fries.

    Provided by American Chemical Society

  11. PartyPalace balloon sellers determined that the diameter of their small sized balloons are normally distributed with a mean of 4.2 inches and a standard deviation of .03 inches. If a balloon is selected at random, what is the probability that its diameter will be between 4.6 inches and 5.02 inches?

    I would appreciate seeing how the problem is solved and not just an answer.

  12. Can anyone be published? Do law reviews only publish articles written by law professors, or do they accept submissions from law students as well? What about undergrad students? How does the submission process work?

  13. I have been using UAW for over a year, and find it really useful. Since I have 3 unique articles written, I was wondering if you know of another service that I can use to double my efforts with the 3 articles I used for UAW. I know there are a lot of article distribution sites but who else uses the 3 Unique Article Submission technology?

  14. Do you personally approve of Condom Distribution a Smart Health Policy?
    On March 17, 2009, Pope Benedict stood before a group of reporters and said that condom distribution not only wouldn’t cure the AIDS crisis, it actually makes it worse. These comments reignited a long-simmering debate over the proper place of contraceptives in health and social policy. Does condom distribution actually encourage promiscuity and increase health risks, or is it effective public policy?

    I heard they are now giving little children condoms in schools?

  15. State the distribution (Normal or t) and write your hypotheses. Solve using the specified approach, state your decision, and write a conclusion.

    According to a recently published article, the average age of admission to nursing homes is 83 years. Suppose a random sample of 500 recent admissions to nursing homes yielded a mean age of 83.5 years. The standard deviation of the admission age for all nursing home residents is 3.5 years. Using the critical-value approach, can you conclude that the current mean admissio age to nursing homes is different from 83 years at the 5% significance level?


  16. I’m writing a paper about income distribution. I’m having a very difficult time finding information for possible solutions.
    I have been leaning towards raising tax on the wealth and giving tax breaks for the less fortunate. (and possible re-distribution)
    If you could find articles on these topics it would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  17. addmeonxbox360myuserisfallior

    I have to write general article to oil and gas magazine what the article must be about ??

  18. I have been searching for hours to find a good article to write a letter to but I have not been able to find one. If you know of any good articles, I’d love to hear from you. Thank you! ♥

  19. I have to do a 500 word project for history where we have to write an article on a certain subject in Roman History. I got Real-Estate. What should i write? Your help is much appreciated 🙂

  20. 1. In order to win a particular board game, a player must roll, with a pair of dice, the exact number of spaces remaining to reach the end of the board, Suppose a player is four spaces from the end of the board.

    (a) Show how probability distribution for the number of rolls required to win
    (b) What is the expected rolls needed to win?
    (c) What is the probability that the player can get at most two 4s in the first ten rolls?

    2. A machine produces articles and an average of 3 percent of these articles are defective. In a batch of 300 articles,

    (a) write the probability distribution for the number of defective products
    (b) calculate the probability that there are at least two defectives by using the binomial distribution
    (c) calculate the probability that there are at least two defectives by using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution.

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